Spline with sphere caps at the begining and end.

Hi everyone,

I really need a script which makes it possible to make the caps of a spline spherical. Now I do it manually by adding a sphere with the same radius at the beginning and end of the spline. It is a pain in the ass to do it manually. It will spare me a lot of time if I have a script for this.

Please let me know if there are questions.


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Mehemenuri's picture

Omg you are amazing. Thanks a

Omg you are amazing. Thanks a lot!!!

Xadi bitara be!

pixamoon's picture


oki, try this one:

for o in selection where superclassof o == shape and o.render_renderable == on do (
	local radius = o.render_thickness / 2
	local segs = o.render_sides
	for s = 1 to (numSplines o) do (
		for k = 1 to (last = numKnots o s) where k == 1 or k == last do (
			sphere radius:radius segs:segs wirecolor:o.wirecolor pos:(getknotpoint o s k)

select splines and run the code (or place it in Favorite Scripts menu and run)

it works only for selected splines and with "Enable in Render" on.


pixamoon_-_cap_splines_with_spheres_v0.10.ms 460 bytes

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