Subobjects selection located at exact coordinate

Subobjects selection located at exact coordinate or coordinate range, like select all vertexes in Z: from 0.0 to 0.1. In this case I need to select all the flat surface of the mountains object.


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If you are not familiar with

If you are not familiar with sub object selection, you can select it by holding [ctrl] and click your mouse. The most common sub object I use in the past is vertex. If you select an object without activating any tool, then you will see the object’s vertices.

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editable poly object?


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Here we go (copy this in MXS Editor and save it as *.ms)

try(destroyDialog ::xxxRoll)catch()
rollout xxxRoll "Select Subs By Range"
	fn inBetween val axis vmin: vmax: = 
		case axis of
			1: val.x > vmin and val.x < vmax
			2: val.y > vmin and val.y < vmax
			3: val.z > vmin and val.z < vmax
	fn selectInRange sub:1 axis:1 minval: maxval: range:on = if selection.count > 0 do
		local selectSub = if sub == 1 then polyop.setVertSelection else polyop.setFaceSelection
		local getPos = if sub == 1 then polyop.getVert else polyop.getFaceCenter
		with redraw off for node in selection where isKindOf node Editable_poly do
			object = #{}
			number = if sub == 1 then node.numverts else node.numfaces
			for i = 1 to number do
				e = getPos node i
				if range then (if inBetween e axis vmin:minval vmax:maxval do append object i) else
					e = case axis of
						1: e.x
						2: e.y
						3: e.z
					if e == minval do append object i
			selectSub node object
	spinner spn_min "min: " pos:[3,3] range:[1e-9,1e9,0] fieldwidth:100
	checkbox cb_usemax "" pos:[140,3] width:15
	spinner spn_max "max: " pos:[155,3] range:[1e-9,1e9,10] fieldwidth:100 enabled:off
	label lbl_axis "Axis:" pos:[3,23]
	radiobuttons rb_axis "" pos:[30,23] labels:#("X","Y","Z") columns:3 default:3
	label lbl_sub "SubLevel:" pos:[140,23]
	radiobuttons rb_sub "" pos:[195,23] labels:#("Verts","Faces") columns:2
	button btn_doit "DOIT" pos:[297,3] width:35 height:35
	on cb_usemax changed state do spn_max.enabled = state
	on btn_doit pressed do 
		if GetCommandPanelTaskMode() != #modify do SetCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
		selectInRange sub:rb_sub.state axis:rb_axis.state minval:spn_min.value maxval:spn_max.value range:cb_usemax.checked
		subobjectlevel =  if rb_sub.state == 1 then 1 else 4
createDialog xxxRoll 335 40 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


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