unhighlight or "deselect all" cameras from batch render dialogue list
greetings.. incase if there is a scene with 20 cameras added in render batch render dialogue..is there a script to deselect all cameras from batch render dialogue so that i can manually select only certain jobs that i need to render?
use this
Youtube, Gumroad
Thank you so much :)
Thank you so much for your reply.. may i have a question.. in case if i want to re-highlight certain range of views in batch render manager dialogue lets say from view 1-10 .. is there a solution for this?
arch. Hazem Mamdouh
for i = 1 to 10
for i = 1 to 10 ........... = true --instead of false
num = #(5,7,10)
for i in num do ......... = true --instead of false
Youtube, Gumroad
unfortunately not working
it's not working for me i'm getting an error in max listner
is there something wrong or missing in the script?
arch. Hazem Mamdouh
for i = 1 to 10 do
use try()catch() if you're not sure if Views (from 1 to 10) are exist .
Youtube, Gumroad