Walls with dimensions name?

I spend a lot of time creating walls, measuring and renaming. I just wanted to create lines in top view and execute a command that adds 10 Outline 320 extrude mesuare the length of the line i created and rename object:
"Wall X, 10, 320" are the values that I use most.
(if there is a text box that I could imput all value and create, would be perfect, but it would probably be hard to create, I think)
thanks guys


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barigazy's picture


code for delete single wall

	on btn_delete_one pressed do
		if selection.count != 1 then messagebox "Select a single Wall..." title:"Warning" beep:off else
			if isKindOf selection[1] GeometryClass and isKindOf selection[1].baseobject Shape do delete selection[1]


barigazy's picture


And Yes why do you want to convert shapes to spline shapes?
I allready filtered this for reverse knots operation(see filterSpl fn at the top).


Michele71's picture

I've noticed that in the

I've noticed that in the previus script, if there is a shape (not editable spline)in the scene, the script does not create the wall on it...

barigazy's picture


Because of filterSpl fn. Give me a half hour to correct the tool


Michele71's picture

In fact, I've noticed the

In fact, I've noticed the filter, but I thought it would go so well :)

barigazy's picture


Added :
-- wirecolor option (solid or random color)
-- option for unique name

try (destroyDialog ::create_wall) catch()
rollout create_wall "Create Quick Wall"
	local walls = #()
	fn filterShape shape = isKindOf shape SplineShape or isKindOf shape Line 
	group "Wall Name ..." 
		edittext et_wallname "" pos:[5,25] width:135 height:17 text:"Wall"
		colorPicker cp_wire "" color:[61,135,6] pos:[138,25] width:15 height:17
		checkbox cb_unique "Use Unique Name" pos:[10,45]
		checkbox cb_random "Randomize Each Color" pos:[10,65]
	group "Wall Params ..." 
		radiobuttons rb_mode "Mode:" labels:#("Outline-Extrude", "Extrude-Shell") pos:[10,110]
		spinner spn_outline "Outline   =  " range:[-1e5,1e5,10] type:#worldunits pos:[11,160] fieldwidth:70
		spinner spn_extrude "Extrude  =  " range:[-1e5, 1e5,320] type:#worldunits pos:[10,180] fieldwidth:70
		checkbox cb_extrude "Instance Extrude Modifier" checked:on pos:[10,200]
		spinner spn_shellin "Shell In   =  " range:[0,1e5,5] type:#worldunits pos:[10,220] fieldwidth:70 enabled:off
		spinner spn_shellout "Shell Out = " range:[0,1e5,5] type:#worldunits pos:[11,240] fieldwidth:70 enabled:off
		checkbox cb_shell "Instance Shell Modifier" checked:on pos:[10,260] enabled:off
		button btn_reverse "Reverse Knots Order" pos:[10,280] width:140 height:18
		button btn_delete "Delete Walls" pos:[10,300] width:140 height:18
	group "Create Wall ..." 
		button btn_create "G O !" pos:[10,345] width:140 height:18
	on rb_mode changed state do 
		if state == 1 then 
			spn_outline.enabled = on
			spn_shellin.enabled = spn_shellout.enabled = cb_shell.enabled = off
			spn_outline.enabled = off
			spn_shellin.enabled = spn_shellout.enabled = cb_shell.enabled = on
	on btn_delete pressed do 
		delete (for node in walls where isValidNode node collect node) ; free walls
	on btn_reverse pressed do if selection.count == 0 then messagebox "Select Shape Object" title:"Warning" beep:off else
		with redraw off
			for sp in selection where filterShape sp do 
				integer = numSplines sp
				number = if (e = getSplineSelection sp).count == 0 then (#{1..numsplines sp} as array) else e
				for n in number do reverse sp n
	on btn_create pressed do if selection.count == 0 then messagebox "Select Shape Object" title:"Warning" beep:off else
		if et_wallname.text == "" then messagebox "Enter Some Name" title:"Warning" beep:off else
			if GetCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do setCommandPanelTaskMode #create
			node = (Extrude amount:spn_extrude.value)
			modifier = if rb_mode.state == 2 do (Shell innerAmount:spn_shellin.value outerAmount:spn_shellout.value straightenCorners:on)
			with redraw off
				for sp in selection where filterShape sp do 
					shape = copy sp name:(if cb_unique.checked then uniquename et_wallname.text else et_wallname.text) \
					wirecolor:(if cb_random.checked then (random black white) else cp_wire.color)
					append walls shape
					if spn_outline.value != 0 and rb_mode.state == 1 do applyOffset shape spn_outline.value
					if spn_extrude.value != 0 do
						if not cb_extrude.checked then addmodifier shape (copy node) else addmodifier shape node
					if rb_mode.state == 2 do
						if not (spn_shellin.value == 0 and spn_shellout.value == 0) do
							if not cb_shell.checked then addmodifier shape (copy modifier) else addmodifier shape modifier
createDialog create_wall 160 370 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


Michele71's picture

heheheheh at this point, I

heheheheh at this point, I also use it :D Thanks for thanks for having improved the script base barigazy :)

barigazy's picture


You welcome guys!


Here you can add more features like:
- control height segments of extrusion
- control thickness segments
- maybe replace extrude modifier with bevel modifier
- override Mat ID for inner and outer side of the walls
- adding more modes (combos) by using sweep, bevel profile etc.
- more controls for base spline (welding, changing knots type etc.)
But I left this to you guys :)

Michele you can post this tool in the script section of this forum.


Gabriel Corazza's picture


I spend a lot of time working, do one project per day (Exhibit Design). But with my new scripts daily working time is decreasing, when all the shortcuts are ready I will have much more time to study MAXScript and be part of this team. I'm going to make these improvements! I just need time.

barigazy's picture


We all need the time to do what we like :)
I'm also glad that this tool enables you to work faster


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