"RE-launch" Raffle #1 - Entry Form
Thanks to the fine folks over at CG-Academy, there are 2 sets of prizes for this raffle. The first prize winner will receive the complete set of CGA MAXScript DVDs (worth £126) + £150 worth of DVDs (Winners choice…). The second prize winner will receive the complete set of CGA MAXScript DVDs (worth £126).
This contest is now over. Please try one of our other weekly "RE-launch" raffle's at the frontpageOur Winners Are:
- 1st Place: Charley Carlat who will be receiving the complete set of CGA MAXScript DVDs (worth £126) + £150 worth of DVDs of his choice.
- 2nd Place: Dee Stringer who will be receiving the complete set of CGA MAXScript DVD