Tagged 'shader'

Dirtizer 2

2 votes

A very helpful plugin which can make your materials dirty in one click!
- You can control the level of dirtiness.
- You can make it dry or wet.
- Dirtizer supports Multi-materials (you can set random dirt to all materials at once)
- You can add your own textures of dirt. (Organize your textures in "Dirtizer" folder as you want)

Massive Property Manager (MassManager)

1 vote

MassManager :

With MassManager you can manage massively the 3dsMax and Vray properties. Some properties are often added to make this tool better.

Mass Manager est un outil dont la fonction principale est de gérer les propriétés de 3dsMax et de Vray en masse. Des propriétés sont ajoutées régulièrement pour rendre l'outil plus complet.

Material Manager

1 vote

Material Manager gives users a one-click solution for saving out materials and also reapplying them. Users can choose to save the selected objects materials, or the entire scenes materials.

Vray To Unity OneClick Converter

1 vote

Script for automatic conversion 3ds Max scene with V-ray renderer to Unity Engine (HDRP and URP).

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XJjX2VO_rHNIj4ZDcKPlwhYR0FFi8a77FyG...

Скрипт по автоматической конвертации сцены из 3ds Max V-ray в Unity (HDRP и URP)

Документация на русском : https://docs.google.com/document/d/122-TyKZj-STQIXhajocWSvXzTZeeRxgscq3P...

https://u3d.gumroad.com/l/3dsmaxVray2unityPRO PRO version without texture size limit.

Telegram Support Channel https://t.me/OneClickExporter

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