Tagged 'Misc'

0-255 to % Converter

11 votes

Calculator for converting percentage values to 0-255 values and back. Includes a color swatch that updates with the grayscale value equivalent.


11 votes

This script can quickly fix object's gizmo and maintain the relationship.

It can just replace the transform gizmo with what you see on screen,

the movie can show how it work.


11 votes

The ultimate script for people playing with GI engines with their computer in the bedroom :)) AutoShutdown your computer after the rendering. Don't forget to output your rendering to a file and close any other application that requires a 'quit-confirmation.


11 votes

ShadeChange is a set of three macroscripts that set the active viewport to shaded - faceted or wireframe mode (so that these functions can be assigned to hotkeys).


11 votes

Quickly pick a new pivot position for the selected object

Rename MacroScript

10 votes

Renames objects with suffix - prefix - base - and number pad.

Bitmap Convertor

10 votes

Bitmap Script Convertor is a tool for conversion of image bitmap 256 colors into Maxscript code. It is envisaged in the beginning to code the icones scripts - but also makes it possible to have information of an image in ASCII in order to modify them with any basic programme of change of chains of text.


10 votes

This script creates a dummy object that lets you control an area of a mesh (Using solf selections) Very simple script. Give it a try.


10 votes

A function to get an object given its name as a string. This is similar to 'getNodeByName' in avg_dlx.dlx - but doesn't require an Extension; checks for duplicates; and can be modified to do even more (see script header).

Mesh Compare

10 votes

Takes two meshes and performs a vertex-by-vertex comparison on them - selecting the vertices in the first mesh that do not correspond to vertices in the second.

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