Tagged 'mat'

Slate - View Selected

21 votes

This free MaxScript instantly displays the material of the selected object (or objects) in a new view in the Slate Material Editor. Currently, Slate does not have a quick and easy way to do this. Slate View Selected allows you to create multiple views as well. You can close the script dialog box and the script will continue to run until you re-run the script where you can stop it. In the dialog box you can also set a "display max" so that if you select a large number of objects, Slate won't waste time collecting and displaying all the materials used by objects in the selection.


0 votes

* Title: Multi_Mats6

* Description:
-- Create Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- Can be assinged to a Box, Plane or Selection

* How to use this script:
-- Click on Multi-Material button to create a Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- We can assign this newly created Multi-Material to Box, Plane or our selected objects

Here's the screenshot of the script -