Tagged 'simulation'

Chain Rigger

29 votes

Chain Rigger


created by Mayec Rancel

Chain Rigger

This tool creates a simulation rig for a chain (free or constrained) with a few simple steps. The rig is an optimized one, very stable and fast to simulate, based on a reactor rope.


29 votes

Un petit Maxscript qui permet de régler les paramètres de base du PhysXsur les objectssélectionnés. Il évite d'avoir à régler le PhysX des objects un par un.

N'hésitez pas à me faire savoir si voussouhaitez que j'ajoute d'autres fonctions.

FumeFX Sim + 4/7/2011

23 votes

- Can automate the simulation for all selected states (default,wavelet,post,render)
- Can continue simulation from any state (default,wavelet,post)
- Prints simulation time in the listener for most accurate simulation times

RealFlow Realwave Importer

20 votes

This utility will read in a Realwave (RW) simulated in Realflow.

Reactor - Set Real Mass

16 votes

Affects selected objects. Sets their Reactor mass depending on their volume and density of their material (specified by user). You can set the scale (max units per meter) for realistic results or to "cheat" by scaling all the masses coherently.

Blender Fluid Importer

10 votes

A Blender Fluids Importer. Imcluded is the file to export the fluids as an OBJ sequence (not written by me). And the other is the import script. It hasnt been tested on large scenes so use at your own risk.

View the sample movie here

Newton Reactor

10 votes

Simulate Object using reactor without having to put any rigidbody collection.

FumeFx FreezeFrame

3 votes

FumeFx FreezeFrame is a very simple script for work with “still simulation” like clouds, nebula, ecc...The script have only 2 buttons:

update 1.0

-Freeze/unfreeze button: to set the out-of-range type to work statically
-Frame spinner: set the simulation frame(useful in lookdev step)

update 2.0 change log:

-Added a source list to manage multiple grids at same time
-More accurate workflow for freeze/unfreeze grids
-Added a status bar that display the source status
-Better code organization

let me know if there are some bug or some request.


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MassFX Util

1 vote

When working with MassFX, this script provides two functions:

- Select objects by simulation type (dynamic, cinematic, static)

- Delete the MassFX modifier in the selected objects

Massfx Rope Creator

1 vote

Massfx Rope Creator 3ds max plugin

The fastest solution to create ropes for your Massfx simulation which allows you to create a rope between 2 objects automatically!

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