Tagged 'poly cleaner'


36 votes

Populate:Terrain assists in creating and optimizing terrain surfaces from contour lines or from existing meshes. The quad based output allows for easier later remodeling, for example using push/pull painting. The regular face size reduces rendering issues (GI, displacement) and you can use Turbosmooth on it.


22 votes

This script has been completely re-written and is now known as AutoMat. Part of the script is now available here as Automat Image Tools:


I'll link to the full version of Automat from here when available.

Null Objects Cleaner

2 votes

Null Objects Cleaner is a 3ds max script to help you to find the null objects in your scene, show you a list of these objects and give you the possibility to delete them. Null Objects in studio max are poly objects without faces - empty objects.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example, how to install my script per Drag and Drop and tutorial for the Null Objects Cleaner: