Tagged 'vertex color'


52 votes


I wrote a script that finds the edges of a mesh and creates an edge map and/or creates roughed up edges on the mesh. Just pick a mesh and choose your settings and the script will render out a map for you. The script tessellates the the mesh and colors the vertices black where ever it finds corners, so you can choose if you want the high poly mesh or just bake a edge map to use on the low poly mesh.


Vertex Color Killer

1 vote

Removes vertex alpha, vertex illumination and vertex color data on the current selection.

This uses the same method as clearing those channels in the Channel Info utility, but across a selection.

RGBA Vertex Color Editor

0 votes

This script split the 3D model in 4 sub-meshes which are each vertex color Channel (R,G,B,A).

You can edit each Channel and then save the changes to the original mesh.

And bellow i put the Polycount forum thread about develop the tool and some example about how works


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