Tagged 'z'

Align Objects To Direction (vector)

4 votes

Align Objects To Direction allows you to align the X, Y or Z axis of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.

Render Tools

4 votes

Este pequeño script permite generar elementos de render automaticamente con solo presionar un boton. Algunos pases requieren de cierto conocimiento previo para su uso o inclusive de activar alguinas funciones ocultas de la aplicacion dependiendo de que version estemos usando. Point Position: para generar este pase van a necesitar activar una funcion que se encuentra oculta, que mas abajo explicare, este pase es recomndable guardarlo en 32 Bits al igual que el Zdepth.

Z Depth with alpha

0 votes

Measure Distance-Extend

2 votes

this Script for Measuring the Distance between 2 points (Similar to 3ds Max Measure Distance Tool), But with Projection Distance on X,Y and Z Axis - to exit Script window press Escape . How to Install: Drop it to any 3dsmax viewport or from Scripting menu / run Script you will find it in _My Scripts_ Category. How it Works: this is MacroScript so you need to make shortcut or quad menu or toolbar button to it better to make shortcut to it something like (Alt+M) Execute the macro and pick 2 points .

UPDATE v1.1 :

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