Tagged 'modeling'


10 votes

TopoRelax is a 3DS Max modifier which relaxes meshes while preserving their volume unlike the normal relax modifier which shrinks the mesh.

Multi Mesher

17 votes

This is a quick FREE tool.
it acts like the Mesher, but instead of picking only one source object you can have a list of them.
And with some boolean options to intersect or subtract the meshes.

there is a add list for the boolean addition objects
and another one for the subtract objects

it keeps the animation...modifiers, and the uv's.

and the Source objects remains separate, so it'll not collapse it in one, like the boolean does.

you can also pick splines

installation :
1 : put the file in your script, startup folder.
2 : restart max


5 votes

The AdvArray modifier is an advanced parametric array type modifier for Autodesk 3ds Max. Being that 3ds Max does not ship with any sort of parametric array modifier, I’ve programmed this modifier to fill that void as well as add a number of advanced array features not found in 3ds Max by default, and even some that cannot be found in other third party modifiers.


3 votes

msKonektus is a 3ds max plugin (2017-2020) that allows you connecting vertices or particles using different geometry. You may know this kind of effect from Plexus plugin from After Effects.

msKonektus is fast and efficient. Provides you many different parameteres to customize your final effect. Works with geometry and particles (standard partcles, Particle Flow, tyFlow).

Checkout the videos below:

Radial Symmetry by PolyDesign

3 votes

Radial Symmetry by PolyDesign3D

Radial Symmetry is a C++ based modifier plugin for 3dsMax. Create complex designs in a few seconds.


A powerful animatable gizmo.
Preserves UVs and other face properties.
Option to add planar symmetry for perfect matching seams.
Slices the geometry along the mirror planes.
Weld seams
Mirror axis options for quick alignment.
Visual gizmo helps you adjust easily.

Supported 3dsMax Versions:

3dsMax 2016
3dsMax 2017
3dsMax 2018
3dsMax 2019
3dsMax 2020
3dsMax 2021