Tagged 'animated'

Batch Camera Previews

2 votes

This script will render out via "Preview - Grab Viewport" for multiple cameras at once. Useful if you create preview cameras a lot, or need to make multiples at once.


1. Run script

2. In Max goto "Customize->Customize User Interface...->Toolbars tab->Category: ColinScripts->OpenGL Previews" and drag "OpenGL Previews" to a toolbar, click to run.

Chain Rigger

7 votes


Tool for creating a rigged chain along a spline.


* create a chain of 1 or 2 different chain segments along a spline
* spline can be animated or linked and the chain will follow
* when spline is closed chain drive can be animated by an objects X-Rotation
* chain drive speed can be ajusted by a radius (of the rotation motor-object)


Please watch video tutorial below.

* create a spline and 1 or 2 chain elements
* run script and select objects

Dynamic Text

4 votes

Creates a animatable text that changes depending on time. You can use curve editor for changing dependence.

Useful for creating animated infographic labels and tags.


0 votes


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0 votes


569 votes

SolidRocks V2.4 is out !!  Support for V-Ray 6 (hotfix 2) and  MAX 2013-2023 ! 

SolidRocks adjusts and optimise all needed Vray parameters to reach the best rendertime/quality ratio.

Learn Vray progressively, see in realtime changes made by SolidRocks when you change resolution/quality.

SolidRocks includes new tools for both VrayMasters and Beginners:


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