Tagged 'Cameras'

Camera Manager

8 votes

"A small camera manager. Allows you to select a camera from a list - make the active viewport display that camera - also displays a small preview of that camera.
Version 0.4 update: inteface updates to reflect change in scene selection. "


6 votes

"I always run into problems when animating a camera over a path etc and rotating it etc. So I have made a plugin that combines a number of functions in one.

Camera Orbit

4 votes

This script automatically creates a camera that will orbit the selected objects. The distance of the camera is calcualated based on the size of the selected objects so that they will always fit the screen. This tool is great for creating demo reel renders of models and animations.

Camera Switcher

5 votes

Macroscript that you can assign to a hotkey (I replaced 'C' with it) which cycles through your cameras each time you press it. Will jump to a camera if you have that camera selected. Works with BCams.

To install - copy into scriptsstartup - restart max - and select it from within Customise UI - in the cameras section.

Camera Switcher

22 votes

The script is a small floating dialog which will mainly let you switch between cameras
in your scene. (plus some other handy features built-in)


Camera Track set

5 votes

Includes 3 scripts - EasyCameraTrack - Reverser and MotionTrans that aid in camera tracking.

Camera-Based Face Selection

8 votes

"Selects faces based on a threshold angle between the camera direction and an EditableMesh's face normals.
Version 0.6 update adds 3ds max 4.x support"


8 votes

Changes Camera Clipping settings for all selected cameras


18 votes

Teensy little script that creates a geometry cone that mimics the camera cone. It creates a pyramid - and does some wiring to make it match the camera - and stay matched - even if you animate the position - and fov. The purpose of the geometry is to use in a mesh vol select to pass up the stack to modify an object/faces only when they are in view of the camera.


5 votes

Changes Camera settings for several cameras at the same time.

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