Tagged '6'

360 MultiCubeMap BatchRender

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360 MultiCubeMap BatchRender is a script for Generate a 6-cameraRig and render individual Cubemaps automatically with Full VRAY Support including Render Elements.

It can be very useful to render several cubemaps in 360 in one single scene. Both Single frame or animation.

Supports VRAY only.

 Update 1.5.0

FIX Equilateral Render
ADD Project Name Folder
ADD File Render Extension - JPEG / Tiff / PNG / EXR / TGA

 Update 1.3.2


0 votes

* Title: Multi_Mats6

* Description:
-- Create Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- Can be assinged to a Box, Plane or Selection

* How to use this script:
-- Click on Multi-Material button to create a Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- We can assign this newly created Multi-Material to Box, Plane or our selected objects

Here's the screenshot of the script -

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