Tagged 'hierarchy'

Quick Parent Link

4 votes

Quick Parent Link is a script to allow you to quickly pick a chain of obects to set them into a parent/child hierarchy. It works a little more efficiently than the native Select and Link tool (which requires you to click child, drag to parent, let go, then select that parent as a child again and drag to its parent, etc).

Grab Children

3 votes

Select all children on picked object(s).

Requested modification of my GrabHierarchy script.

Folder Construction Copy

2 votes

It is a script to copy the folder structure under the specified folder to another folder.
Files contained in the folder are not copied.
This script will help you to create folder that use for render output.
For example, copy folder hierarchy of shot A to shot B.

How to Use:
Enter source folder path and destination folder path to copy data to.
And press button.

Link Array (directional)

-14 votes

This code simply allows a users to link a selection of objects based on the order of selection. You can use either 0 or 1 to define the direction. That allows you to link everything forwards or backwards. Rather simple code but I figured someone would find use for it.

fn fnLinkArray arr dir:0= (
	if dir != 0 then (
		reverseArr = for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 collect arr[i]
		arr = reverseArr	
	for o in arr do o.parent = undefined
	for i = 1 to (arr.count-1) do
		child = arr[i]
		parent = arr[i+1]
		child.parent = parent
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