Tagged 'object'

ViewDirection Mover

0 votes

"Preview Video"


4 votes

Random Mesh standard object

3 votes

Object Rename

4 votes

Object Rename


Replacement for the Max renamer with added functionality.

Greater control of adding / removing characters and number suffixes, added find / replace, case change and quick selection by name features, all with undo.

Includes explanatory tooltips.

One-click Mass Booleans

3 votes

Poster for v5

A Must-have plug-in for fast modeling! Now with ProBoolean.

Fast 1-click boolean operations with multiple objects:
-Attach selected objects to the first selected object. (Matches material IDs)
-Union selected objects.
-Subtract selected objects from the first selected object.
-Subtract the last selected object from the other selected objects.
-[ProBoolean] Union selected objects.
-[ProBoolean] Subtract selected objects from the first selected object.


0 votes


INSTALL: drop file to viewport and copy this file in "Startup" folder of Max

Установка: Перетащить *.ms во въюпорт и скопировать этот файл в папку макса "Startup"

Actions are stored in Category: "Niklit Scripts"

Object Encrypter

0 votes

Objecty Encrypter helps you to securely encrypt and decrypt your objects using the passwords that you defined....
It works on 3d Studio max, i hope you like it!


12 votes


v2.6: Collapse on Edit_Poly modifier using Scale Transform Type-In

And all this works by single button

Clone & Align On Faces

12 votes

This simple tool will helps when you need to distribute any "source" object on "target" object selected faces.
Requested on this thread by ice-boy.


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.