Tagged 'PhysX'

Cleaning Menu Duplicates

0 votes

Cleaning Menu Duplicates
(清除重複的 menu 項目 ,累積太多 會嚴重影響效能)
check your menu file : shelllaunch (menuMan.getMenuFile()) ""
(可以用上面指令開啟你的menu檔,檢查檔案大小, my MaxStartUI.mnux : 392K)

1. place in .........\scripts\startup\
(把 Cleaning Menu Duplicates.ms 放到startup 內)

2. start 3dsmax
(開啟 3dsmax)

3. close 3dsmax
(關掉 3dsmax ,此時就會自動清理)

4. start 3dsmax
(再開啟 3dsmax )

5. save CUI
(存 CUI 檔)

Cleaning PhysX Menu Duplicates

13 votes

If you customize your UI a bit and have installed the "3dsMax 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack" or the NVidia PhysX utility for 3dsMax, you should notice that it adds menus to the Customize Dialog every time you run 3dsMax. In a month or so, you will probably have to scroll over a thousand duplicates in the Customize Menus Dialog.

I had a quick look in the PhysX MaxScript files, but I don't want to mess with it. Instead, I made this simple script, that will remove all PhysX menus when 3dsMax shuts down. Don't worry, they'll be added again next time you start.

MCloth Animator [MassFX]

0 votes

MCloth Animator

MCloth Animator allows you to simulate mCloth on any animated mesh directly, including the 'Skin' modifier of your character! Your mesh will stay original and not being simplified (as 'convex'). No more headache with proxy objects or exporting to other software. MCloth Animator will simulate selected objects automatically with only 1 button! Don't waste your time for routine.
Third party plugins are natively supported.


29 votes

Un petit Maxscript qui permet de régler les paramètres de base du PhysXsur les objectssélectionnés. Il évite d'avoir à régler le PhysX des objects un par un.

N'hésitez pas à me faire savoir si voussouhaitez que j'ajoute d'autres fonctions.

RayFire Tool

118 votes


RayFire Tool gives You the ability to shoot, destroy, demolish, ruin, break down, wreak havoc, blow up, burst, detonate, explode and do other similar things You have always dreamed of to do in Max...


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