MCG Loft/Extrude

2 votes
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This MCG allows you to loft a spline along another spline, ie. extrude.

NOTE: Use a dummy Plane, just 1 poly will do, then apply the Vu_mcgLoft modifier on that Plane, not the Xsection or the Curve.

Whatever Percentage (Start and/or End) you specifed, if you pick another curve, it will automatically be at the correct Starting/Ending points. The only drawback is you'll have to doublecheck if the number of segs is still appropriate for the new curve, then adjust Loft Segs, Weld and Relax....

I've left in the Extrude Cheat...can give you interesting results....

UVs look a bit nasty, even if you use Spline mapping in Unwrap. I'm looking at it but doubt if I can do anything about's MCG early days.....

File includes the 3 usual files or mcg package if you prefer.

3ds Max Version Requirement: 
vu_mcgloft_1.00.00.zip32.98 KB