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Planarity Tools

6 votes

Set of tools for aligning polygons in a plane. Useful for reducing polygon counts in real-time models.


9 votes

Adds user-specified noise to the position track of an object.

Neon -- Visibility Animator

9 votes

Animates the visibility of a list of objects - with several options for the order of visibility and cross-fading.

Modifier Toggle

9 votes

Toggles the visibility of all modifiers with a specified name within your scene.

Mesh Compare

10 votes

Takes two meshes and performs a vertex-by-vertex comparison on them - selecting the vertices in the first mesh that do not correspond to vertices in the second.

Mass Export

4 votes

Exports all MAX files in a directory to the specified file type.

Linear Bezier

8 votes

Converts selected objects' animation tracks to bezier animation with linear interpolation between keyframes. Useful for avoiding overshoot in animation.

Import 3DS Sequence

3 votes

Imports a set of sequentially numbered 3DS files - creating an animated mesh in MAX.

Hierarchy Hold

6 votes

Saves and loads hierarchy information for selected objects.

File Sequencer

6 votes

Takes an arbitrary series of images as input - and generates sequential output - duplicating each frame a user-specified number of times.

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