How to Surpress Topo Warnings?

I'm dumping geometry using maxscript, which collects data from various modifiers.

when the script accesses the various modifiers in each node's stack I keep getting these pesky topo warnings about accessing modifiers in the stack.
I understand that the prompt lets you ignore future warnings. But I'm looking for another solution, as it seems a bit unprofessional to instruct people to edit there warning options. :\

I found a simular case here, although the actual issue was never solved:


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Garp's picture

Far from ideal but...

... it seems to do the job.

DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#silentStack
fn closePopup = 
  WindowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
  if UIAccessor.GetWindowText WindowHandle == "Warning" do
    ChildHandle = UIAccessor.GetFirstChildWindow WindowHandle
    ChildHandle = UIAccessor.GetNextWindow ChildHandle
    UIAccessor.PressButton ChildHandle
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification closePopup id:#silentStack
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#silentStack
mariokart64n's picture

awesome, thank you

awesome, thank you

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