apply a state for every camera in the scene!

I have a house in 3d and a background in it! I want to create scene states for every camera, so when I switch to any of them, I would see automatically the changes according to it's state! Any ideas?


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Thank you, barigazy!!!

in fact I have a multilistBox filled with cameras:

functionfn =
	camNamesList = #()
	camList = #()
	while  i <= cameras.count do
		if classof cameras[i] != Targetobject  then 
			append camNamesList cameras[i].name
		i = i+1
rollout mycam "List Cameras"
	multilistBox mycameras "" items:camNamesList height:200 width: 200 pos:[0,0]

But I don't understand what you meant "You can store scene state name in camera's user defined settings. Then when you select camera from dd list viewport will changed to this camera and you need also simple fn to restore scene state by name"

barigazy's picture

Simply create dropdown list

Simply create dropdown list for all scene cameras. You can store scene state name in camera's user defined settings. Then when you select camera from dd list viewport will changed to this camera and you need also simple fn to restore scene state by name. Maybe is good to use camera name for scene state name.


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