apply a state for every camera in the scene!

I have a house in 3d and a background in it! I want to create scene states for every camera, so when I switch to any of them, I would see automatically the changes according to it's state! Any ideas?


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magicseed's picture

Hi, Where to download this


Where to download this script please?

neil's picture

but still the same

May be smth else?

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	local d
	fn collectStates = (for s in 1 to sceneStateMgr.GetCount() collect sceneStateMgr.GetSceneState s)
	fn collectCameras ddl lb = if (cams = for c in cameras where not isKindof c TargetObject collect c).count != 0 do
		local states = collectStates(), stCamList = #(), avCamList = #()
		for c in cams do
			userProp = getUserPropBuffer c
			if userProp == "" then append avCamList else
				if findItem states userProp != 0 then append stCamList else
					setUserPropBuffer c "" ; append avCamList
		ddl.items = avCamList ; lb.items = stCamList
	dropDownList ddl1 "Scene States:" width:190 pos:[5,5]
	dropDownList ddl2 "Available Cameras:" width:190 pos:[5,45]
	button btn1 "Set State To Camera" width:110 height:20 pos:[5,86]
	button btn2 "Refresh All" width:78 height:20 pos:[117,86]
	listbox lbox "State Cameras:" width:190 height:15 pos:[5,110]
	fn init = 
		bgaRoll.ddl1.items = collectStates() 
		collectCameras bgaRoll.ddl2 bgaRoll.lbox
	on bgaRoll open do init()
on btn2 pressed do 
	objTMData = attributes objData
		local objTMS = for o in objects collect DataPair o o.transform 
		fn setObjTM arr = 
			for i in 1 to arr.count where isValidNode arr[i].v1 do arr[i].v1.transform = arr[i].v2
    local d = FreeCamera()
	custAttributes.add d objTMData
on btn2 rightclick do
    ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData
    ca.setObjTM ca.objTMS
	on btn1 pressed do 
		if bgaRoll.ddl1.items.count != 0 and bgaRoll.ddl2.items.count != 0 do
			if (cam = getNodeByName bgaRoll.ddl2.selected) != undefined do
				setUserPropBuffer cam bgaRoll.ddl1.selected
				bgaRoll.lbox.items = append bgaRoll.lbox.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selected
				bgaRoll.ddl2.items = deleteitem bgaRoll.ddl2.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selection
	on lbox selected itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then select c else init()
	on lbox doubleClicked itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then 
			if sceneStateMgr.FindSceneState (st = getUserPropBuffer c) != 0 do
				sceneStateMgr.RestoreAllParts st
				viewport.setCamera c
		) else init()
createDialog bgaRoll 200 330 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

in line

on btn2 rightclick do
ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData -- Unable to convert: undefined to type: MaxObject <<'s picture


srry! My fault!'s picture


try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	fn collectStates = (for s in 1 to sceneStateMgr.GetCount() collect sceneStateMgr.GetSceneState s)
	fn collectCameras ddl lb = if (cams = for c in cameras where not isKindof c TargetObject collect c).count != 0 do
		local states = collectStates(), stCamList = #(), avCamList = #()
		for c in cams do
			userProp = getUserPropBuffer c
			if userProp == "" then append avCamList else
				if findItem states userProp != 0 then append stCamList else
					setUserPropBuffer c "" ; append avCamList
		ddl.items = avCamList ; lb.items = stCamList
	dropDownList ddl1 "Scene States:" width:190 pos:[5,5]
	dropDownList ddl2 "Available Cameras:" width:190 pos:[5,45]
	button btn1 "Set State To Camera" width:110 height:20 pos:[5,86]
	button btn2 "Refresh All" width:78 height:20 pos:[117,86]
	listbox lbox "State Cameras:" width:190 height:15 pos:[5,110]
	fn init = 
		bgaRoll.ddl1.items = collectStates() 
		collectCameras bgaRoll.ddl2 bgaRoll.lbox
	on bgaRoll open do init()
on btn2 pressed do 
	objTMData = attributes objData
		local objTMS = for o in objects collect DataPair o o.transform 
		fn setObjTM arr = 
			for i in 1 to arr.count where isValidNode arr[i].v1 do arr[i].v1.transform = arr[i].v2
    local d = FreeCamera()
	custAttributes.add d objTMData
on btn2 rightclick do
    ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData
    ca.setObjTM ca.objTMS
	on btn1 pressed do 
		if bgaRoll.ddl1.items.count != 0 and bgaRoll.ddl2.items.count != 0 do
			if (cam = getNodeByName bgaRoll.ddl2.selected) != undefined do
				setUserPropBuffer cam bgaRoll.ddl1.selected
				bgaRoll.lbox.items = append bgaRoll.lbox.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selected
				bgaRoll.ddl2.items = deleteitem bgaRoll.ddl2.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selection
	on lbox selected itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then select c else init()
	on lbox doubleClicked itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then 
			if sceneStateMgr.FindSceneState (st = getUserPropBuffer c) != 0 do
				sceneStateMgr.RestoreAllParts st
				viewport.setCamera c
		) else init()
createDialog bgaRoll 200 330 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

in line

on btn2 rightclick do
ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData -- Unable to convert: undefined to type: MaxObject <<

barigazy's picture

I already told you. You need

I already told you. You need to put local variable "d" outside function.

rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
local d


barigazy's picture

... but

you not need this free camera (it'sonly for example). What you need is to add this CA to all cameras in List View. You can add also more infos not only scene objects transform informations.

bga's picture

I look at this code, and I can't understand!


ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData

doesn't work for camera d, then it will not work for other cameras as well ?!!!?

barigazy's picture


The problem is not CA. You need to define better scenario for this tool, because there is more limitations that you need to consider.
The main problems are:
- Transform, animated and linked objects
- Different count of objects in different states
and who knows what more.
That's why Autodesk recreate whole State Scene in max2013+ ei. max2012(SAP)
I never play with this. Maybe someone can help you with that.


barigazy's picture


Try to write something and then we talk.

bga's picture

now I can rest in piece!

Barigazy, look! I've added to your code some lines from previous hints

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
	objTMData = attributes objData
		local objTMS = for o in objects collect DataPair o o.transform 
		fn setObjTM arr = 
			for i in 1 to arr.count where isValidNode arr[i].v1 do 
				arr[i].v1.transform = arr[i].v2
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	fn collectStates = (for s in 1 to sceneStateMgr.GetCount() collect sceneStateMgr.GetSceneState s)
	fn collectCameras ddl lb = if (cams = for c in cameras where not isKindof c TargetObject collect c).count != 0 do
		local states = collectStates(), stCamList = #(), avCamList = #()
		for c in cams do
			userProp = getUserPropBuffer c
			if userProp == "" then append avCamList else
				if findItem states userProp != 0 then append stCamList else
					setUserPropBuffer c "" ; append avCamList
		ddl.items = avCamList ; lb.items = stCamList
	dropDownList ddl1 "Scene States:" width:190 pos:[5,5]
	dropDownList ddl2 "Available Cameras:" width:190 pos:[5,45]
	button btn1 "Set State To Camera" width:110 height:20 pos:[5,86]
	button btn2 "Refresh All" width:78 height:20 pos:[117,86]
	listbox lbox "State Cameras:" width:190 height:15 pos:[5,110]
	fn init = 
		local d = FreeCamera()
		custAttributes.add d objTMData
		bgaRoll.ddl1.items = collectStates() 
		collectCameras bgaRoll.ddl2 bgaRoll.lbox
	on bgaRoll open do init()
	on btn2 pressed do 
		ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData
		ca.setObjTM ca.objTMS
	on btn1 pressed do 
		if bgaRoll.ddl1.items.count != 0 and bgaRoll.ddl2.items.count != 0 do
			if (cam = getNodeByName bgaRoll.ddl2.selected) != undefined do
				setUserPropBuffer cam bgaRoll.ddl1.selected
				bgaRoll.lbox.items = append bgaRoll.lbox.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selected
				bgaRoll.ddl2.items = deleteitem bgaRoll.ddl2.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selection
	on lbox selected itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then select c else init()
	on lbox doubleClicked itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then 
			if sceneStateMgr.FindSceneState (st = getUserPropBuffer c) != 0 do
				sceneStateMgr.RestoreAllParts st
				viewport.setCamera c
		) else init()
createDialog bgaRoll 200 330 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

A runt it, then I move an object from the scene and then,
When I press refresh, I get error

-- Unable to convert: undefined to type: MaxObject
error for -> ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData

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