Assigning targets to LookAt controller

This is one of the first scripted tools I try to create.

I'm working on a script for rigging repetetive LookAt systems.
The idea is to have two arrays the "HingedObject" and the "LookAtTarget"
So that when I create bunch of these I can create a "HingeObject" array and a "LookAtTarget" array, assign the Lookatconstraint and assign the target and finally keep the initial offset on all of them at once.

So I'm trying to get the array of LookAt targets but so far all I have is this.
(This is the feedback I get from the system when try to aquire the code to work with)

b = $box001 -- This is a box that I assigned a LookAt controller to

show B.transform.controller[2].LookAtConstraint -- show command returns the following

.weight (LookAt_Weight) : float array
.relative : boolean
.lookat_vector_length (Vector_Length) : float
.set_orientation : boolean
.target_axis : integer
.target_axisFlip : boolean
.upnode_axis : integer
.upnode_world : boolean
.pickUpNode (Pick_Upnode) : node
.StoUP_axis : integer
.StoUP_axisFlip : boolean
.viewline_length_abs (Viewline_Abs) : boolean
.upnode_ctrl (Upnode_Control) : integer

With nothing in the list
B.transform.controller[1].LookAtConstraint[1].name --returns
"Vector Length"

if I add object (targets) to the list the "Vector Length" is pushed down the array and gets replaced by "LookAt Weight 0"

Is "LookAt Weight 0" a internal variable for LookAt constraints target nodes?
If so How do I add/remove objects to the list?
It's the only array in the list of commands but I can't grab the name of the objects in the list.

How do I dig further into the workings of Max to get the info that I need?


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CarlWellander's picture

-- Unable to convert: "EngineLookTSmall_001" to type: <node>

Here is my script so far. But I hit a snag at the end.
I want it to work like this
1. I make three selections of scene objects
(EngineLookRSmall_001-008, EngineLookTSmall_001-008, UppnodeObj_001-008)
that go into the three different arrays.

I then assign the controller but I want to make sure to assign the corresponding target and upnode So I run a filterstring to get the targetname and the current number of the OriginObj and combine them into one.

So I get -- Unable to convert: "EngineLookTSmall_001" to type:

Am I overthinking? Is there a easier way to match the two arrays?


LAC = LookAt_Constraint ()

--Collect Rotation Object Array
OriginObj =#()
if $ != $selection then
OriginObj[1] = $
for obj in ($ as array) do
append OriginObj obj

--Collect Target Node Array
TargetObj = #()
if $ != $selection then
TargetObj[1] = $
for obj in ($ as array) do
append TargetObj obj

--Collect Upnode Array
UppnodeObj = #()
if $ != $selection then
UppnodeObj[1] = $
for obj in ($ as array) do
append UppnodeObj obj

-- Assign LookAt controllers, UpNodes and Targets

for n = 1 to OriginObj.count do
OriginObj[n].rotation.controller = LAC
LAC.Relative = on

TargetTemp = ((filterstring TargetObj[1].name @"_" )[1] + "_" + (filterstring OriginObj[n].name @"_")[2])
LAC.appendTarget TargetTemp 100


miauu's picture


You have this error becaue the TargetTemp is a string not a valid object.

	global rol_
	try(destroyDialog rol_)catch()
	rollout rol_ ""
		local originObjArr =#()
		local targetObjArr = #()
		local uppnodeObjArr = #()
		button btn_getRotationObjs "Get Rotation Objects" width:140
		button btn_gettargetObjArrs "Get Target Objects" width:140
		button btn_getuppnodeObjArrs "Get Uppnode Objects" width:140
		button btn_assignLAC "Assign LAC"  width:140
		on btn_getRotationObjs pressed do
			originObjArr = selection as array
		on btn_gettargetObjArrs pressed do
			targetObjArr = selection as array
		on btn_getuppnodeObjArrs pressed do
			uppnodeObjArr = selection as array
		on btn_assignLAC pressed do
			looAtCntrl = LookAt_Constraint ()
			for n = 1 to originObjArr.count do
				originObjArr[n].rotation.controller = looAtCntrl
				looAtCntrl.Relative = on
				targetTemp = getNodeByName ((filterstring targetObjArr[1].name "_" )[1] + "_" + (filterstring originObjArr[n].name "_")[2])
				looAtCntrl.appendTarget TargetTemp 100				
	createdialog rol_ 
CarlWellander's picture

Thanks a bunch Schellicon. It

Thanks a bunch Schellicon. It got me almost all the way. I'm really new to coding so I'll try some more before I ask for more assistance.

Schellicon's picture

lookat controller

down in the method section is your answer, something like:

a = box()
b = Sphere pos:[130,0,0]
d = LookAt_Constraint ()
a.rotation.controller = d
d.pickupnode = b
d.appendTarget b 100 -- add object
d.deleteTarget 1 -- delete object

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