create dotnetcontrol buttons inside function

I want to create buttons depending on certain things!
So here is what I need:

fn myfunction=
for i=1 to IDcount do
     dotnetcontrol ID_btn[i] "System.Windows.Forms.Button" width:20 height:60 pos:[27,i*153]
     ID_btn[i].backcolor  = (dotnetcolor 70 70 70)
     ID_btn[i].flatstyle = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle" Flat
     ID_btn[i].foreColor = (dotnetcolor 200 200 200)

How to make it work?


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now as I undesrand

I should have

dotnetcontrol pn "MaxCustomControls.MaxUserControl" width:48 height:(table.height-24) pos:[2,153]

iside rollout

and somehow to add split containers iteratively

in such a form

defCB cb (newbitmaps.count*30-2) txt: (m as string) check:false -- 30 - the height of a datagrid row, newbitmaps.count -- count of textures inside ID

just instead of this - to call splitcontainers

barigazy's picture


The MaxUserControl is one of many types of containes ei. Panels which can hold dotNet object inside. It's not important to use this type U can use simple Panel.
I play a bit maybe this can helps

try(destroyDialog testR)catch()
rollout testR "Test" width:400 height:400
	dotnetcontrol pn "MaxCustomControls.MaxUserControl" pos:[5,5] width:390 height:378
	fn defColor r g b = ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb r g b)
	local COL1 = (defColor 80 80 80), COL2 = (defColor 150 150 150),COL3 = (defColor 65 125 88),COL4 = (defColor 125 150 80)
	fn defineSplitCont mainPnl clr1 clr2 w: h: dock: spliter:2 orient:#vert ctrlsIn1st:#() ctrlsIn2st:#()=
		sp = dotnetobject "SplitContainer"
		sp.panel1.backColor = clr1
		sp.panel2.backColor = clr2
		sp.splitterWidth = spliter
		case orient of
			(#vert): sp.Orientation = sp.Orientation.Vertical
			(#horiz): sp.Orientation = sp.Orientation.Horizontal
		if dock then sp.dock = sp.dock.fill else
			if w != unsupplied and h != unsupplied do (sp.width = w ; sp.height = h)
			sp.Location = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" (mainPnl.pos.x) (mainPnl.pos.y)
		if ctrlsIn1st.count != 0 do sp.Panel1.controls.AddRange ctrlsIn1st
		if ctrlsIn2st.count != 0 do sp.Panel2.controls.AddRange ctrlsIn2st	
	on testR open do 
		pn.backcolor =
		pn.BorderStyle = pn.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
		pn.width = 390 ; pn.height = 390 
		splitC2 = defineSplitCont pn COL3 COL4 dock:off spliter:2 orient:#horiz
		splitC1 = defineSplitCont pn COL1 COL2 w:378 h:378 dock:on spliter:2 ctrlsIn1st:#(splitC2)
		pn.controls.add splitC1
createDialog testR

bga's picture


dotNetControl FLP "FlowLayoutPanel" width:48 height:(table.height-24) pos:[2,153]

inside rollout's picture

I had this function previously

	fn dotnetcolor r g b = 
		(dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB r g b
	fn defCB  dnCtrl btnheight txt: check: =
		dnCtrl.Appearance = dnCtrl.Appearance.Button
		dnCtrl.flatappearance.bordersize = 0
		dnCtrl.margin = (dotNetObject "" 1)
		dnCtrl.width = 20 
		dnCtrl.height = btnheight
		dnCtrl.backcolor = (dotnetcolor 84 84 84) 
		dnCtrl.forecolor = (dotnetcolor 200 200 200)
		dnCtrl.Cursor = (dotNetClass "Cursors").Hand
		dnCtrl.FlatStyle = dnCtrl.FlatStyle.Flat
		dnCtrl.TextAlign = dnCtrl.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
		dnCtrl.text = txt ; dnCtrl.checked = check
dotNetControl MtlFLP "FlowLayoutPanel" width:22 height:(table.height-24) pos:[5,153]--column for materials buttons
dotNetControl FLP "FlowLayoutPanel" width:30 height:(table.height-24) pos:[18,153]--column for mat IDs
 if classof s.material == multimaterial then
	cb = dotNetobject "checkbox"
	defCB cb (newbitmaps.count*30-2) txt: (m as string) check:false -- 30 - the height of a datagrid row, newbitmaps.count -- count of textures inside ID
)'s picture's picture

I don't understand how to use it

and how to create left panel, righ panel and how to split horizontally the right panel's picture


I still think that it's possible!!!

I've found a script with such a function

		function createSplitContainer =
			-- splitContainer1
			local splitContainer1 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer"
			splitContainer1.Dock = splitContainer1.Dock.Fill
			splitContainer1.Name = "splitContainer1"
			splitContainer1.Orientation = splitContainer1.Orientation.Horizontal
			splitContainer1.SplitterWidth = 10
			splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = 50
			splitContainer1.Panel1.Controls.Add (createResultList())
			local statusStrip = createStatusStrip()
			splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add statusStrip
			local resultDetails = createResultDetails()
			resultDetails.Top = 0
			resultDetails.Left = 0
			resultDetails.Width = splitContainer1.Panel2.Width
			resultDetails.Height = splitContainer1.Panel2.Height - statusStrip.Height
			splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add resultDetails
			return splitContainer1

This means that split containers can be created iteratively in function!

Just help me please to create one panel on the left and one on the right and a "for" cycle to create n splitcontainers inside right panel. After this, every panel should be filled with a button!

barigazy's picture


Yup. I aranged a bit your code. Try it to see if works for you.
No need to use return in this case

function createSplitContainer =
	-- splitContainer1
	local statusStrip = createStatusStrip()
	local resultDetails = createResultDetails()
	local splitContainer1 = dotNetObject "SplitContainer"
	splitContainer1.Dock = splitContainer1.Dock.Fill
	splitContainer1.Name = "splitContainer1"
	splitContainer1.Orientation = splitContainer1.Orientation.Horizontal
	splitContainer1.SplitterWidth = 10
	splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = 50
	resultDetails.Top = 0
	resultDetails.Left = 0
	resultDetails.Width = splitContainer1.Panel2.Width
	resultDetails.Height = splitContainer1.Panel2.Height - statusStrip.Height
	splitContainer1.Panel1.Controls.Add (createResultList())
	splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.AddRange #(statusStrip, resultDetails)

bga's picture

Barigazy's picture

I need

like in pic from above to have blend for example which could be placed first sometimes and then multisubobject and after this again a certain material(nonmultisub) - I need it to update, that's why I would like to add splitcontainers in function depending on materialtype. How do you think, is it possible, or should I forget about that?

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