Disable VFB Lens Effect Dialog

Hi, i couldn't find a way to set the VFB Open Lens Effect settings dialog to False.

It doesn't show show up when i call the VfbControl() in the listener too. Is there a way to do this? i like to permanently set it to False.

Thank you :)


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miauu's picture


vfbControl #bloom false
vfbControl #glare false
vfbControl #bloomfill false
vfbControl #glarefill false
remykonings's picture


Right, i had these but it's more about the panel itself.

For example; you can hide the history panel with: vfbControl #showHistory false

I like to hide the panel with vfbControle #ShowLensEffects false (or something of this nature, i can't seem to find a it)

thanks :)

jahman's picture


Doable. But this task involves a lot of winapi work.


remykonings's picture


Oke i see.

I'm early in learning Maxscript, so that is probably not doable for me at this point.

Thanks for the reply :)

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