Linking Spline Knots

Hi, i was wondering if it is possible to link spline knots to objects or dummy helpers? I know one can bake spline knots to an object or particle position, but is it possible to run a script so they are linked? That would lead to the effect that the spline would be controlled by helper objects in realtime, and not neeing to be baked..

Any help is appreciated, just need to know if its possible-



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Poker's picture

also you could skin the

also you could skin the spline to some helpers, if you need more control over the "deformation"

JokerMartini's picture


Yeah you can do this very simple in max. You using the SplineIK Control which links any number of knots that you want to helpers.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

W DIGITAL's picture

hey, but thats the other way

but thats the other way around as i understand it,
doesnt create a spline linked to the objects i already have, or?

Poker's picture

if I understand the problem

if I understand the problem probably then you could also just use Spline IK modifier.

decon's picture

maybe something like

maybe something like this:

 -- add a dummy
 mydummy = dummy pos:[0,0,0] name: (uniqueName "myDummy")
 -- draw a line
 myspline = splineShape name: (uniqueName "mySpline") wirecolor:(color 255 0 0)
 addnewspline myspline
 addknot myspline 1 #corner #curve [-20,0,0]
 addknot myspline 1 #smooth #curve [0,0,0]
 addknot myspline 1 #corner #line [20,0,0]
 -- make controllers
 for i = 1 to (3*(numKnots myspline)) do
   animatevertex myspline (i)
 updateshape myspline

 -- change controller type
 myspline[#Object__Editable_Spline][#Master][5].controller = Point3_XYZ()
 -- assign controller
 dCntX = mydummy.position.controller[1].controller
 dCntY = mydummy.position.controller[2].controller
 dCntZ = mydummy.position.controller[3].controller
 myspline[#Object__Editable_Spline][#Master][5].controller[1].controller = dCntX
 myspline[#Object__Editable_Spline][#Master][5].controller[2].controller = dCntY
 myspline[#Object__Editable_Spline][#Master][5].controller[3].controller = dCntZ
-- testing
 test = false
 if test do
  startframe = animationRange.start
  endframe = animationRange.end
  for t = startframe to endframe do
   animate on
    at time t
     mydummy.position.y = random 0 20

W DIGITAL's picture

thanks, thats great, but i

thanks, thats great, but i need a solution for hundreds of objects:)
but maybe anubis has found the solution

decon's picture

Just select vertex (via

Just select vertex (via Splineselect) and add Linked XForm mod.


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