selection callback function

I need a callback function that runs a "Function" on selection change. I am not familiar with callbacks yet and I would appreciate any help from the scriptspot community.


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JokerMartini's picture


Hey Budi G thanks for the help.
I ended up figuring it out and using implementing them into a handful of scripts these past few days. They are great. Thanks.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Budi G's picture

first keep your mind on

first keep your mind on register callback fn ,
and after using it you need unregister callback fn.
check out the mxs reference for details.

I try to make one example:
in this forum I've made a script, there's the update buttons as manually update for user.

now I will remove the update buttons and convert it to call back function.

rollout drop_roll "Drop Down List"
 local obj_array = #()
 dropdownlist obj_dd "Objects :" offset:[0,-20] items:#()
	fn update_objs =
	   obj_array = objects --as array
	   obj_dd.items = for i in obj_array collect
 on drop_roll open do 
   callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "drop_roll.update_objs()" id:#testcall  -- register call back fn for automatically update the listbox when some object has been deleted or added
 on obj_dd selected i do select obj_array[i]
 on drop_roll close do callbacks.removeScripts id:#testcall -- unregister call back scripts when closing the dialog
createDialog drop_roll

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