Multiple UI windows

Ok, so this is going to be a no brainer, but I have temporarily lost my hard drive with my maxscript info on it and need to be reminded of the syntax. I have made a rollout and buttons that do shiny things, but cannot remember the best method for checking if the ui window exists in the scene. I need to be able to remove the old one before the new one gets made.

Its monday, so my addled brain (full of alcohol and M&M`s) needs a gentle prod.


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AutonomyTD's picture


SuhWeeeeet!!! Thankyou very much.

Si ne tentare quomodo scis?

barigazy's picture


use globabal for rollout and destroydialog function.

global TestRoll
try(destroydialog TestRoll) catch() 
rollout TestRoll "TestScript" width:208 height:20
createDialog TestRoll style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)	


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