Problem reading file
Hi I have a rollout with a few buttons and editText. The buttons is for getting a path and the editText is to display the path. The problem is when I press the button to get a CSV-file I get an error the first time. But if I run the script again there is no error. I would be realy greatfull if someone could help me!
Here is part of the code that is causing the error:
button setCsvPath "CSV" pos:[7,5] across:2
editText csvPathText pos:[65,8] fieldWidth: 200
on setCsvPath pressed do
csvPath = getOpenFileName caption:"Select CSV" types:"List(*.csv)|*.csv"
if csvPath != undefined then
global csvFile= openFile (csvPath) mode:"r"
csvPathText.text = csvPath
countLines (csvFile)
fn countLines file =
orgFilePos = filePos file
seek file 0
while not eof file do
numLines += 1
skipToNextLine file
seek file orgFilePos
Here is the error:
countLines: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined <<
That is really good pointers!
That is really good pointers! I'm learning by my self so I appreciate this kind of help. Thank you so much!
Have a great day!
This error occurs because the CountLines fn is defined after the
on setCsvPath pressed do
When the code in the on pressed is executed there is no CountLines variable defined, and the error pops up.
Move the
fn countLines file =
before the
on setCsvPath pressed do
and the error will disappear.By the way, it is good to write scripts this way(good but not necessary):
This way, when you start writing the events for the UI all variables and functions will be defined.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax