[Solved] Logo in rollout

I am a first time Maxscript user, for my project I have to create a custom rollout.
I want to know if its possible to insert a logo ,I created, into the rollout?
I don't know how easy it is, as I have found no information on it anywhere.

If anyone could help out(whilst explaining as simply as possible :P) that would be great.


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alexholmes's picture


Cheers, both of you.
I have it working now and I really appreciate the help.

jos's picture

or you can use imgTag

or you can use imgTag :

local b = openBitMap(@"c:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\smiley.bmp")
imgTag imgLogo "logo" tooltip:"logo" style:#bmp_center bitmap:b align:#center height:100
barigazy's picture


There are several solutions to your problem.

1.The easiest solution:
I sent you example bitmap (smiley.bmp) in attachments
I put this image file in default max script directory
If you use different directory do not forget to change the
location in line [local img_logo = ...]

try(destroydialog testRoll) catch()
rollout testRoll "LOGO"
--specify location of your logo image (use [*.bmp] extension)
local img_logo = @"c:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\smiley.bmp"
button logo "" pos:[0,0] width:100 height:100 images:#(img_logo, undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) enabled:false
createDialog testRoll 100 100 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

2.Advanced solution:
For these solution is not required external image.
If you want to convert image to string see these link:
Second file (LogoTestRollout.ms) in attachments will help you to solve the rest.

test.rar 20.83 KB


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