Base64 DotNet Image Encoder

25 votes
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Despite looking like the sound you make when trapping your plums in the fridge door, Base64 encoded strings can be used to represent dotnet images and sounds and deployed with scripts to avoid the need for external linked dependencies.

Additional Info: 

This is a small script that will allow you to convert images to Base64 strings and back again. You can use the core functions in your scripts to provide scripts without any dependencies, making deployment easy. I have used this to good effect by creating a base64 icon struct, which executes when the script is first run and creates the assets the script needs. You can see an example of this in my WindowBox Script -


Version Requirement: 
max 9-2012


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cptSwing's picture


..much appreciated :)

A.Kavyani's picture

Download link

Hi Lo,
thank's for your great work
cannot download your scripts from your website.
can anybody help for base64 download link?

benjaminF's picture


Thanks for that :) very useful

MarTroYx's picture

Hi Pete , I do use your

Hi Pete ,

I do use your script from time to time , especially when I need to check the transparency effect of a picture or logo , which lead me to another request for this one , if you don't mind:-) and that would be a slider to control the hue of the back color in case we have a picture with yellow border :-)


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