workflow :- Deploying scripts on the network ?

Hi All,

As a very new user of max and the windows platform I wanted to ask about the deployment of scripts in this environment.
The deployment using the max tool bar creation seems like a complete nightmare with users creating and saving there own UI. Whats the easiest way of deploying tools via a menu that every max machine can pick up in the network.



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miauu's picture


The users creates their own UI, because they wants to works with their own UI. Don't try to force users to use only one UI, when they can create their own.

If you have computer pool and you want the scripts to be installed in only one place then:
- put the main scripts(ms, mse) whenever you want on your network(lets call it MAIN_FOLDER)
- create a macroscripts that will run the main scripts from the network path you want
- tell the users where to find the macroscripts or copy and paste all macroscripts to every computer on the pool. When users open the Customize-Customize User Interface they will see the macros and will create their oun UI with your macros.
This way on each PC you will have only macroscripts that will points to the actual scripts. When you want to update the main scripts, you will update them and put them in the MAIN_FOLDER. The macroscripts will loads the updated main scripts.

pixamoon's picture


Hi, you can try Favorite Scripts Menu.

It is automatic menu for all office scripts located in network path:

All users will have access to the same scripts.


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