align object by selected edge
I couldn't find anything in the search....maybe it exists already?
I wanted a script to align the mesh based on selected edge..straighten it in X, Y OR Z
maybe this? fn
maybe this?
fn alignObjectToSelectedEdge obj_src = (
local obj_trgt = (selection as Array)[1]
if classOf obj_trgt != Editable_Poly do return false
local edges = (polyOp.getEdgeSelection obj_trgt) as Array
if edges.count == 0 do return false
local everts = (polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge obj_trgt edges[1]) as Array
local p1 = polyOp.getVert obj_trgt everts[1]
local p2 = polyOp.getVert obj_trgt everts[2]
local dir = normalize (p2 - p1)
local tm = matrixFromNormal dir
tm.row4 = (p1 + p2) / 2
undo "Align object to Edge" on obj_src.transform = tm
alignObjectToSelectedEdge $Dummy002