Object only visible to specific camera?


Here's my current 3ds max 2009 problem. Don't know if a script is the best way to solve it, or if there is a better way?

I have a 3ds max scene with ten cameras.

Along with my ten cameras, I have an object that should be visible only from its specific camera.

For example, when rendering, I have the main scene, 10 objects, and 10 cameras.

I want Camera01 to see the main scene and Object01 (not Object02-10).
I want Camera02 to see the main scene and Object02 (not Object01 or Object03-10).
I want Camera03 to see the main scene and Object03 (not Object01-02 or Object 04-10).

Is there a way to accomplish this (script or otherwise)?



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br0t's picture

I tried scripting this with

I tried scripting this with custom attributes but got to some nasty problems and failed ;) Buuuut you can do this perfectly with already existing tools in Max: Use "Scene States" for your cameras in conjunction with the "Batch Render" Tool. If you hide/unhide objects, your scene states are able to store this and by that can give different views onto the scene for different cameras.


Never get low & slow & out of ideas

Graph's picture

with a preRenderFrame

with a preRenderFrame callback and the visibility property, sure .. but how are you switching between cameras while rendering?

Raphael Steves

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