Retarget common root, automatically opening the file.

Hi, my situation is this:
I have many files with old network path to fix (many textures).
Would a script that automatically, when opening the file, change only part of the network path, so as to associate automatically the texture, and without having to search again.
old path. "\\ \ .... bla bla bla"
new path: "\\ \ ..... bla bla bla"
The script should do this:
find (only this path part)"\\ \"
replace with: "\\ \"
A bit like the "retarget common root" Asset Tracking ", but do it automatically when you open the file.
(I apologize for my English)



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pixamoon's picture



Try Library Track/Relink - it works for multiple max files.

To change beginning of paths (drive letter, network location):

- Select max files
- Choose Show Assets
- Select all with "\\ \ .... bla bla bla"
- Choose Set Path from right click menu
- use second option - Remove 1st "\...."
- type new \\
- press Apply

If your files are saved with older version of max - first select them and choose Resave to current version (right click menu)

Its not automatic on open, but you can re-path whole old library / projects to new location


nitrolee's picture

Hi pixamoon, thanks for the

Hi pixamoon,
thanks for the advice.
I tried it and then purchased, useful scripts, definitely will save my time.
I have a request, it would be possible to do the same thing for the material library.mat ?
Upgrade part of the old path with a new one and resave?

Tanks a lot.

pixamoon's picture



Yes, I just tested with .mat library files. It works. I'll upload new update today or tomorrow.

There is also auto-relink function if assets are still missing.

Thanks for your purchase and new suggestion!

pixamoon's picture


oki, please try new v0.51

It should work with multiple .mat files

Let me know if any bugs

nitrolee's picture

Hi Pixamoon, awesome, tried

Hi Pixamoon,
awesome, tried and it works perfectly, just what I needed.
Very thanks, really appreciate.


pixamoon's picture


You're welcome :)

v0.52 has also fix if you need to resave older .mat lib files


nitrolee's picture

Thanks Pixamoon always

Thanks Pixamoon
always better.
Question, it would be possible in the future to be notified of any updates to the script by email.
So stay up to date .... and maybe also for other scripts.

thanks a lot

pixamoon's picture


Sure, no prob, please send your email and turbosquid username to [email protected]
I'll add you to the list.

I'm planing to do newsletter with scripts updates too, but this bit later.

Next updates of Library Track/Relink coming with:
- save settings / favorite folders to search in
- quicker auto relink
- resize / convert bitmaps
- collect assets from multiple max files
- and more :p

And of course I'm always open for new suggestions.


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