Select Similar

Hi guys,

Trying to make a macro that selects similar objects when im in subobject 0.

And when im in a subobject other than 0, it will select the apropriate similar elements.

i have this

macroScript PedroSelectSimilar
category:"Pedro Scripts"
toolTip:"Selects similar objects or subobjects"
		if (subobjectlevel = 0) then
            actionMan.executeAction 0 "40099"
        if (subobjectlevel >= 1) then
        if ( $ != undefined) then
			-- does nothing

Any help is appreciated!



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pedroamorim's picture

Awesome! Thanks! It worked!

Awesome! Thanks! It worked!

barigazy's picture


Take a look this tool by Anubis
And for your tool you can try

macroScript PedroSelectSimilar
category:"Pedro Scripts"
toolTip:"Selects similar objects or subobjects"
    if selection.count != 0 do
	if subobjectlevel < 1 then (actionMan.executeAction 0 "40099")
        else (PolyBoost.SimilarSelect())


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