VrayProxy Switcher modifications

This is a great tool from (Andras Onodi | ZOA), it works great with single object, but with groups, it converts every part of the group to a vrayproxy and max file which is not suitable for a group contains lots of object.
The script need to handle the group as a single object, to export it as single max file and proxy,

VrayProxy Switcher - script page


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Ali_essawy's picture

any help on this topic ?

any help on this topic ?

1rv's picture

VrayProxy is in fact a Xref.

VrayProxy is in fact a Xref. Just replace your groups with desired proxy. So simple.

1rv's picture

There's no need is what you

There's no need is what you request. Just use some of object replacers ( I love Mad's one) to replace all your groups with desired proxy.

Ali_essawy's picture

It is not like ZOA script..

It is not like ZOA script.. it is more like Xref but using proxy and switch between a max file and a proxy..

Similar script from rode3d Q-proxies

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