VrayProxy Switcher modifications
This is a great tool from (Andras Onodi | ZOA), it works great with single object, but with groups, it converts every part of the group to a vrayproxy and max file which is not suitable for a group contains lots of object.
The script need to handle the group as a single object, to export it as single max file and proxy,
any help on this topic ?
any help on this topic ?
VrayProxy is in fact a Xref.
VrayProxy is in fact a Xref. Just replace your groups with desired proxy. So simple.
There's no need is what you
There's no need is what you request. Just use some of object replacers ( I love Mad's one) to replace all your groups with desired proxy.
It is not like ZOA script..
It is not like ZOA script.. it is more like Xref but using proxy and switch between a max file and a proxy..
Similar script from rode3d Q-proxies