VrayProxy Switcher

35 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Andras Onodi | ZOA

Select a bunch of objects and put unique nodes to a specified directory as separate max files with the related vrayproxy data saved next to it.
Istance copies will be replaced with the new vrayproxy object.
Get previously saved objects back to max whenever you wish.

User Interface

Additional Info: 

-Instanced objects must end "kakimaki00" or "kakimaki_00". Any numbers is accepted at the end.
-If exporting instances: "objectname_xx" will be exported as objectname.max - without the numbers
-Don't use the name "objectname_xy" if it's not an instance of "objectname_xz". Ohterwise the script will try to overwrite the "objectname.max" file.
-Reference copys not supported yet. They do make the script crcash!
-Never Tested on groups
-Trying to get a maxobject back to an invisible layer doesn't work yet.
-While using the vrmeshes (I mean they are being used in current renders) the vrmesh files cannot be overwritten. I suggest to use two different folders to export to.

Revision History:
_v 1.22 - 19.04.2018 - Solved a bug when pressing "no" on overwrite
_v 1.20 - 02.09.2011 - new simplified UI, works with linked objects, works with any numberings, wire colors stay the same, local separators can be "_","-",".", " ", project path is being remembered (Thanks for the fixes Andras Miklos!!!)
_v 1.01 - 28.01.2010 - Minor bugfixes: fixed the mysterious kakimaki-bug, fixed the path-paste bug.
_v 1.00 - 22.01.2010 - Added The "Back To Max" Function, Added filtering for geometry/vrayproxy objects to avoid crashes
_v 0.12 - 20.01.2010 - Added postexport functions: show as box, selects the newly created objects
_v 0.11 - 19.01.2010 - Added functionality for "bunch of objects selection" - added the unique_list filter
_v 0.10 - 18.01.2010 - Created the original script for saving 1 object to a vrayproxy and replacing the related instances

First script that I have uploaded. Please be patient! :)
Any ideas and critiques are greatly appreciated!


Version Requirement: 
tested on max2016


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nnq2603's picture

Thanks for alternative backup link

Thanks you for help, Ali. Have a nice day.

Ali_essawy's picture



zoa-proxy_switcher_v122.ms 7.78 KB
nnq2603's picture

Zoa script no longer downloadable?

I click and only see studio website, scripts sections or link nowhere to be found.

Ali_essawy's picture

any chance for group support

any chance for group support ?

Ali_essawy's picture

it could work with small

it could work with small groups .. but sometimes in large groups you have to keep objects separated for eazy editing...
anyway thank you for your effort

onodi.andras's picture

Dear Ali_essawy, I doubt I

Dear Ali_essawy, I doubt I will have the time to fix anything this script does at the moment. I suggest therefore to find a workaround. Something like attaching the objects first and export them after?

András Onodi - CEO @ ZOA Architectural Animation & 3D Rendering
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Ali_essawy's picture

support of Group ?

export as single .vrmesh and call back as a group... at the moment if the group has 100 small object the script make 100 .vrmesh file and 100 max file ..taking a lot of time to export and may crash..
Thank you for your effort..

jnls's picture


i try...
Add the option to save and remember the route or routes of the user (in my pc always appear in c: and appear message of error for writte in C),don´t save the last used route) , and add the option to save maps and .mat file for using proxies createds in other projects.

onodi.andras's picture

Hi, Can you please English?

Can you please English? :)

András Onodi - CEO @ ZOA Architectural Animation & 3D Rendering
Join Us on Facebook!

jnls's picture

Agreguen la opcion de grabar la ruta

Mejoren el script agregando la opcion de que quede grabada la ruta o las rutas de los proxies y no que arranque siempre en C:, ademas agregar la opcion que los proxies se graben con materiales para poder ser utilizados en otros proyectos...

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