Tagged 'ScriptSpot Bugs / Wishlist'

Feature request: Script Requests Section

A section on the site that will allow users to request script would be handy.


RSS updates


It would be great if only the RSS feed gets updated when a new script is posted. Some scripts get RSS'ed a lot because someone posted a comment or I think even the script got 1 extra point... and nothing changed really. Is it possible or desireable?


User defined Properties

I need a script that will allow me to edit the userdefined properties, for multiple objects at the same time.

.skp files


I would like the ability to attach a SketchUp model (.skp) to a blog post. Is that possible?

I can not run this script when is a button

hi every one i hope we can solve this problem

im new here and im learning scripting sorry if it is easy to solve:S
i wrote this scriptto mirror morph targets and it works, but when i select the code and drag to the maintoolbar like a button it wont work anymore.
this is the code:

a=snapshot ObjectOriginal
addmodifier a M
WM3_MC_BuildFromNode M 1 ObjectDeformed
addmodifier a (mirror())
b=snapshot ObjectDeformed
addmodifier b Def

Stop adding .txt to my ruby scripts?

Is there a way? It forced people to go through the extra step of renaming the file in order to install it successfully.

how to remove/delete comment by myself ?

I mean ... when I was wrong to post the comments in scriptspot. I just found the "edit" and "reply" menu.

Highlight coded text

Highlight coded text (if possible) will be good feature, or if it not so easy to be added, maybe return to the old style, where the number of lines was limited, because now if the code snippets is too large then the horizontal scroll bar goes out of the page height and need to scroll the html page down, move the the horizontal scroll bar and back scroll the page to the top and search the line what you readed... Briefly, there is an example large snippet just to illustrate the browsing and reading complication:

Upcoming change to forum url / paths

I recently realized the forum structure was setup incorrectly. Instead of General / 3dsmax it should be 3dsmax / General... That will allow for more room to grow with additional forum areas like Freelance scripters or a Scripts Wanted section.

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