Tagged 'FFX'

FumeFX Sim + 4/7/2011

23 votes

- Can automate the simulation for all selected states (default,wavelet,post,render)
- Can continue simulation from any state (default,wavelet,post)
- Prints simulation time in the listener for most accurate simulation times

Create Animation Bounding Box

15 votes

Script I built to work with Fume FX, but can probably be used for many other things.
The idea is that I wanted to roughly work out the entire dimensions of a characters animation, so a bounding box - of the entire animation.
Lets say I have a character running, and jumping, and falling over - and I want him to be on fire, this tool will track all of the dimensions of the character for the entire animation duration and build a bounding box representing the exact area he's covered.
This way I can create a fairly accurate Fume FX container that isn't wasting space.


13 votes

Simple script for fume fx, if you wish to run a simulation, and after the sim have it render it.
I wrote it just so if I'm going to lunch, I can crank up the detail on my sim, run the script - and whilst I am gone, it will simulate my fluids, and then render it out. And then when I get back to my desk I'll have a render ready to review of my simulation.


9 votes

Big scale effects require usually more than one FFX. Having a lot of FFX and holdout objects asks for a lot of memory. Limited memory means rendering in passes. Different lights and shaders per pass multiply the renderpasses again.

To setup a render, it takes some steps and usually you forget one and need to resubmit. That's why I wrote this script, that overviews everything and gives the ability to set it up fast.

I avoided using .NET intentionally, because in big scenes it sometimes takes a long time just to open a scripted tool.

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