Tagged 'FFX'


9 votes

Big scale effects require usually more than one FFX. Having a lot of FFX and holdout objects asks for a lot of memory. Limited memory means rendering in passes. Different lights and shaders per pass multiply the renderpasses again.

To setup a render, it takes some steps and usually you forget one and need to resubmit. That's why I wrote this script, that overviews everything and gives the ability to set it up fast.

I avoided using .NET intentionally, because in big scenes it sometimes takes a long time just to open a scripted tool.

Create Animation Bounding Box

15 votes

Script I built to work with Fume FX, but can probably be used for many other things.
The idea is that I wanted to roughly work out the entire dimensions of a characters animation, so a bounding box - of the entire animation.
Lets say I have a character running, and jumping, and falling over - and I want him to be on fire, this tool will track all of the dimensions of the character for the entire animation duration and build a bounding box representing the exact area he's covered.
This way I can create a fairly accurate Fume FX container that isn't wasting space.


13 votes

Simple script for fume fx, if you wish to run a simulation, and after the sim have it render it.
I wrote it just so if I'm going to lunch, I can crank up the detail on my sim, run the script - and whilst I am gone, it will simulate my fluids, and then render it out. And then when I get back to my desk I'll have a render ready to review of my simulation.

FumeFX Sim + 4/7/2011

23 votes

- Can automate the simulation for all selected states (default,wavelet,post,render)
- Can continue simulation from any state (default,wavelet,post)
- Prints simulation time in the listener for most accurate simulation times

FumeFX Gi Maker

0 votes



This script will Prepare FumeFX containers for creating GI masks to be used later in Comp. Also has controls to optimize the render settings of your shader and shadow creation.


Things this script does:

Sets fire and smoke color to be a flat color of your selection.

Sets the Strength of Gi multiplier in your grid.

Turns shadows on and off.

FumeFX to VrayVolumeGrid miniscript

0 votes

Fumefx 2 VrayVolumeGrid -FFX2VrayVG miniscript v0.1 -- 8/9/2019
Created by David Aviles. [email protected] .

FFX2VrayVG is a small script that creates vrayvolumegrid/s from two or
more selected and already simmed FumeFX grids.
It will align the created VrayVolumeGrids to the FumeFx ones and rename
them accordingly as well as loading the cache files from the master FumeFx grids.

It was inspired by Fumefx VZim v1.4 script -- 8/5/2019 .
Created by Ronnee Swenton and Property of White Wizard Entertainment, LLC.

FumeFX to Redshift Volume script

0 votes

Fumefx 2 RedshiftVolumeGrid -FFX2RedshiftVolume miniscript v0.1 -- 8/9/2019
Created by David Aviles. [email protected] .

FFX2RedshiftVolume is a small script that creates Redshift volumegrid/s from two or more, selected and already simmed FumeFX grids.
It will align the created Redshift Volume objects to FumeFx grids and rename them accordingly as well as loading the cache files from the master FumeFx grids.

It was inspired by Fumefx VZim v1.4 script -- 8/5/2019 .
Created by Ronnee Swenton and Property of White Wizard Entertainment, LLC.