
9 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Goran Pavles

Big scale effects require usually more than one FFX. Having a lot of FFX and holdout objects asks for a lot of memory. Limited memory means rendering in passes. Different lights and shaders per pass multiply the renderpasses again.

To setup a render, it takes some steps and usually you forget one and need to resubmit. That's why I wrote this script, that overviews everything and gives the ability to set it up fast.

I avoided using .NET intentionally, because in big scenes it sometimes takes a long time just to open a scripted tool.

Additional Info: 

let's you setup quickly for multiple FumeFX:

-FFX shaders
-FFX Lights
-Light settings
-Overview of FFX and Lights
-Render Elements
-Render paths

if you have Vray or FinalRender, you can simply enable the two buttons defined at the end of the lines 71 and 72.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2008 and higher
Other Software Required: 
Video URL: 
gp_FFX-RenderManager 1.0.ms26.15 KB


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holycause's picture

nice one dude ;)

nice one dude ;)

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