Tagged 'include'

Quick Include/Exclude Lights

30 votes


Select your objects and lights, choose I/E ops and check "Transfer..."
(if you like) to move existing obj(s) into the new I/E List.
Works on all geometry + renderable shapes (as original I/E feature designed).

Light Detictive

2 votes

Light Detictive is a Tool designed to mange complex lighting setups. --not only control include and exclude by selection or sets fast , but olso investigate the lights on the scene see exclude and include lists , --olso investigate objects which light affect them of not. -- fast Group Lighting specific objects .
support Vray.



1 vote

By Patrick Probst ([email protected])
www.patrickprobst.de / www.notanotherpixel.com
If you got any feature requests, problems or anything else regarding this script or another one I wrote, don't hesitate to contact me!

I am not responsible for any damage caused by this or any other of my scripts to your scene, software, computer or cat/dog/wife!

What this macroscript does:
It will let you link lights to objects or vice versa so that the according light only influences the chosen geometry.
Use it just like the normal "Select and Link"-Tool of 3ds max.

Include/Exclude Selected Objects From Lights

1 vote

Include/Exclude Selected Objects From Light

1. Select objects
2. Run Script
3. Select lights you wish the objects to be exclude/included from
4. Right click when finished

Script Features:
-Applies selected objects to chosen light's exclude/include list
-Automatically deselects invalid objects
-Prints list of chosen lights

Let me know if anything can be improved or cleaned up!