Tagged '3ds max'

3DS Max - Easy Modeling - FreeForm Geometry

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In this video, we will learn a quick and flexible technique for modeling freeform shapes. We will use a Surface modifier, Shell modifier, and Turbosmooth for that purpose. You can use this approach to model a wide range of geometries like roads going up and down, ribbons, etc,...

3DS Max - Can't Weld Vertices On Meshes Or Splines - Fix

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In this tutorial, we'll why vertices won't weld on meshes or splines and
How to fix this problem.

3DS Max - Group Clone Instance Controller

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In this video, we will see how, when cloning a Group, we can instance the transforms of objects inside the groups. Also, starting from minute 2:08, we will see how we can make the transforms unique again, to avoid issues when, for example, trying to detach an object from a group while its transforms are instanced.

3DS Max -Tip - Quickly Reposition The Pivot Location

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In this quick 3DS Max tutorial, we will see how to relocate the pivot point to some specific locations using the Transform Toolbox.

3DS Max - Bad Result With The Bridge Tool - Fix

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In this tutorial, we will deal with the unwanted results of the Bridge command that can occur sometimes.

3DS Max - Edit Poly - Different Usage For Animate

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In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the Animate feature in the Edit Poly modifier so that we can, after adding another modifier on top of it, go back and change some of the values of the parameters, like for example, Bevel, Extrude, Inset, etc,...

3DS Max - FBX Export Warning: Non-orthogonal matrix support - Fix

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When exporting from 3DS Max to FBX sometimes we get this Warning: Non-Orthogonal matrix support. In this video, we will learn how to fix this problem, we also learn what that warning means and how it happens by reproducing it using various scenarios.

3DS Max Copy With Reference Point Like In AutoCad

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In this tutorial, we'll learn how to copy objects using reference points on
other objects, so that the copies will respect the same distance and orientation. If you're an AutoCAD user you already know how to do this operation in AutoCad.

3DS Max - Unable To Drag and Drop Textures

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In this 3DS Max troubleshooting tutorial, we will deal with the problem of being unable to drag n drop textures from the desktop to an object or sub-object selection in the viewport.

3DS Max - Scene States - Multiple Rendering Scenarios In One Scene

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In this video, you will learn how to create different scene states for different rendering scenarios without having to save multiple Max files. After creating those states you can toggle between them in one click.