Tagged 'Plugins'

Radial Symmetry

9 votes

Radial Symmetry is the first and only 3DS Max modifier which allows you to model radial structures and see the end result.


5 votes

You can fast archive with projectshowcas and you can recall the scene visually archives.


-13 votes

Scene Assembler & Render Pass Manager

Vexus 2.0 @ $200. Try the Demo for free!


Spline Check

2 votes

Spline Check is a new free diagnostic plugin: https://www.simpolium.com/spline-check/

☑ Identify and display open splines in the viewport
☑ Detect spline self-intersection
☑ Display the number of total segments of the spline


10 votes

TopoRelax is a 3DS Max modifier which relaxes meshes while preserving their volume unlike the normal relax modifier which shrinks the mesh.

Sphere Plus

-12 votes

Check a new tool developed to improve 3ds Max's regular sphere primitive. This new primitive allows users to control how many columns and rows of verts there are. Holding Alt forces the sphere to be created at [0,0,0]. It allows users to independently adjust the radius on the X,Y,Z. It also gives users to option to adjust whether it's capped or not when turned into a hemisphere.



36 votes

This is an external lexer for the scintilla based maxscript editor that ships with 3dsmax 2008 and later.

It adds syntax highlighting for C++, C#, Python and Ruby source code to the editor. This comes in handy if you are doing just-in-time compilation of external source through .NET.

Target VRay Light Scripted Plugin

71 votes

TargetVRayLight Plugin

 The plugin creates VrayLight with Target. Convenient for the creation of different studios for the subject of visualization.


-- v2.0 First release.

-- v2.1(3)

  •  Now supported by V-Ray Light Lister!
  • Added some parameters.


  • Copy plugin in stdplugs\stdscripts or scripts\startup;

Random Face ID's

-13 votes

Have you ever wanted to randomize the face ID’s of an object based on elements, individual polygons, smoothing groups, or objects? Wait no longer. This modifier allows users to manipulate the face ID’s of an object in a non destructive way. Check out the images below where I demonstrate using this modifier to randomize the windows of a building.

MXSEditor global utility pugin

8 votes

This 3ds Max plugin provides a powerful Maxscript interface to the maxscript editor (MXSE) and the underlying Scintilla/SciTE editor component. Additionally it enables the Maxscript Editor to be used as an extended viewport.