Sphere Plus
Check a new tool developed to improve 3ds Max's regular sphere primitive. This new primitive allows users to control how many columns and rows of verts there are. Holding Alt forces the sphere to be created at [0,0,0]. It allows users to independently adjust the radius on the X,Y,Z. It also gives users to option to adjust whether it's capped or not when turned into a hemisphere.
how can i download it its not
how can i download it its not available anymore!?
i found it but i cant remove the comment!!
Youtube, Gumroad
how to add it to the quad menu without losing interactivity like other primitives?
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them very much.
I've got a new plugin I'm releasing later this week!
John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)
I purchased your Helix Pro plugin some time ago, and have used it constantly for various projects. I have no need for the standard helix spline anymore. I feel Autodesk really needs to incorporate your improvements to these standard tools into the next release of Max. They are huge time savers overall, when you consider the minutes spent in every project to do the minor adjustments these tools incorporate.
This, and your "plane plus" scripts, are real time-savers, and need to become part of the standard 3dsmax object tools asap! I will probably never use the standard max plane or sphere again. Thanks.