Tagged 'size'


1 vote

EDim is a professional 3ds Max plugin that allows you to create stunning 3D dimensions in seconds. It supports multiple selection and color changing, and can be linked to your original object. You can control the dimensions’ renderability and put them in a separate layer. EDim also offers three different dynamic sizes that will always fit your original object size.

changelog 1.53

NOW SUPPORTS 3ds max 2025.
Minor bug fixes, precission now adds zeros after the text.

changelog 1.52

Minor bug fixes, with a great performance enhancments, almost no time spent on starting the script.

MCG Transformation Modifiers

2 votes

A set of simple MCG modifiers which do very powerful things when used in a procedural workflow. You can make adjustments to a mesh's pivot inversely by using these modifiers. You can animate at a sub-object level.


