Tagged '3ds max tutorials'

3DS Max extract 2D sections from 3D objects

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Here we learn how to use the section tool found in the Shapes category to create 2D sections out of 3D objects and export them to other programs like Autocad.

3DS Max Easy Modeling Triangular Mesh

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In this tutorial, we will create a triangular mesh object. We will learn about the Lathe modifier and the Generate Topology tool.

Lesson 14 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - Intro To TurboSmooth - Part 2

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In this second part of the TurboSmooth modifier's series, we will learn how to use the Smoothing groups option to constrain the smoothing in a certain direction. Also, how can add a second TurboSmooth after that to create a kind of fillet between the polygons.

3DS Max - Using CTRL While Creating Some Objects

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In this video, we will learn how we can control the creation of some
objects using the CTRL key on the keyboard.

3DS Max - Group Clone Instance Controller

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In this video, we will see how, when cloning a Group, we can instance the transforms of objects inside the groups. Also, starting from minute 2:08, we will see how we can make the transforms unique again, to avoid issues when, for example, trying to detach an object from a group while its transforms are instanced.

3DS Max - Trick - Lock Selection To Rectangle Mode

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In this new video, I will show you the way to lock the Selection mode to the rectangular one.

Lesson 7 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - 2D Shapes Intro - part 1

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In this 8th video of the total beginners series, we will start learning about 2D shapes. We will learn about the sub-object levels that the 2D shapes are made of. Also, we will learn about two features to manipulate the 2D shapes: Break and Weld. In addition, we will see what it means to have an Opened or Closed 2D shapes, and why it's important to learn that.

3DS Max - Edit Poly - Different Usage For Animate

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In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the Animate feature in the Edit Poly modifier so that we can, after adding another modifier on top of it, go back and change some of the values of the parameters, like for example, Bevel, Extrude, Inset, etc,...

3DS Max Tip - Keep The Mouse Centered In The Viewport

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In this short video, we will learn how to keep the mouse centered in the viewport, this is useful in many scenarios, like, for example, tracing a spline over a picture while staying zoomed in.

Lesson 8-3DS Max Total Beginners-2D Shapes-Intro part 2-Types Of Vertices

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In this 2nd part of the Intro to 2D Shapes, we will learn about the 4 types of vertices, what they mean, how we can convert one to another, and at the end, we will learn how to copy/paste the tangency handle (orientation and size) from one vertex to another.